The Philippine Canadian Charitable Foundation (PCCF) recently celebrated the induction of its officers and foundation leaders for 2024-2026 at the Toronto Philippine Consulate, with the honor of induction bestowed by Deputy Consul General Kerwin Orville Tate.
Thanks to the resounding support and success of these events, PCCF was able to extend its philanthropic reach by donating to over 10 charities in the Philippines this past February. Now, PCCF is eagerly preparing for the upcoming Pinoy Fiesta & Trade Show Toronto, scheduled for June 8, 2024, at Albert Campbell. Interested individuals are encouraged to register as candidates for the esteemed PCCF Pageants (Miss Philippines Canada, Little Miss Philippines Canada, and Mrs. Philippines Canada), or as Trade Show vendors.
For further details or inquiries, please reach out to pageantsphilippines@gmail.com and/or pinoyfiestatoronto@gmail.com. Visit: www.philippinecanadianfoundation.com
Stay tuned for more exciting updates and visuals to come!